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Working with paints is a game even more complicated. A picture can be written for a long time and as a result, it simultaneously grasps and there are different points in time - from when I grabbed the composition with the first lines, to the subsequent drawing of shadows and attempts to convey the mood, which is done much later. During work, I can see my model differently, I can change my mind, and then I see my states and emotions in the finished work at completely different points in time. And if they begin to live on canvas in a new, personal harmony, for me it is insanely interesting.

Personality and craftsmanship are for me the main standards of artistry. If there is not one of these components, I pass by, how loudly the work or installation would not scream about itself with color, size, sound or even price. For me, this is a truth that cannot be brought about by force. I invite to my site and exhibitions of those with whom along the way.


1984-1988 - Art College (painting),
1991-1997- Moscow State Art and Industry Academy of S.G. Stroganov.
A member of the creative union of professional artists since 1995.

Upcoming events and fairs with Perseus Gallery:

Art Expo New York

New York, NY

Fall 2020 

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